Thursday, April 10, 2014

sim.vmdk was not found error while powering on netapp simulator on esxi host

Today I tried to deploy the netapp simulator 8.2 on my lab . When I tried to power on the simulator it failed with the error  " Mydataontap-sim.vmdk was not found "

Solution :

ESXI server is not loading the vmkernel multiextent module  , we have to load this manually.

Here is the steps to  load that manually

1. login to the ESXi SSH session
2. run the command  vmkload_mod multiextent

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to change the web session limits in UCS manager

Here is the steps to limit the  maximum number of sessions per user and total maximum number of sessions for the UCS manager

Login to  UCS manager SSH session and type the below command

scope system
scope services
show web-session-limits

scope web-session-limits
set total 100 ( This limit to 100)
set per-user 10 (This limit to 10)

How to change the maintenance policy for a service profile template

Problem : Default maintenance policy is set to "reboot immediate" for the service profile . If we do any changes on the template and if  that change requires server reboot , then we end up in rebooting all the server immediately because of this maintenance policy.

How to confirm the default maintenance policy for a template :

Navigate to UCS manager > Servers > Service profile templates > root > service profile template name 

On the Right pane  under properties  click Maintenance policy and see what is exactly configured .

How to change the Maintenance policy :

Navigate to UCS manager > Servers > Policies > root > Maintenance Policies > default

on the right hand side , select the maintenance policy as User Ack  and click save changes ( this option will ask for the confirmation to the user before rebooting the server)

Note : if this policy is attached to the service profile template and the service profile template is in updating mode then this will update on all service profile .

If you don't want to touch the default maintenance policy and you want to create  a new policies for the each service profile template , you will be able to create that under service profile template console itself

Navigate to UCS manager > Servers > Service profile templates > root > service profile template name 

click change maintenance policy on the right pane

click create maintenance policy

Provide the service policy name and description and select the reboot policy and click ok.

Drop down and select the new maintenance policy and click ok

Note: if you using updating template then all your service profile will get updated  for this immediately

Unjoining Hyper-V server From Domain

Problem : I tried to remove the hyper-V host from the domain which is not there any more in my lab environment , but it fails with the error " The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted ".

Usual way of removing a Hyper-V server from domain :

Login into the Hyperv console and press option 1

Provided the password and username to remove . But it fails stating that it is not able to contact the domain.


we need to remove the domain from that server forcefully , used the below command for that

Netdom remove / hypervservername /Force

Registering Vcenter on Virtual storage console

Go to the virtual storage console registration url


Please replace the  localhost with the server name which has virtual storage console .

update the host name  under plugin service information ( this host name should be the server name which has virtual storage console)

update the vcenter  information and click register.