Thursday, March 13, 2014

How to add Vsphere Vcenter server to the UCS director cloud

Hare are the steps to add the vsphere Vcenter server to add  to the UCS director

1. on homepage of ucs director click  administrator -----> virtual account

2. Click +add  under virtual account

3. Under cloud Type Select the appropriate  cloud here I am selecting  vmware


4.Fill out the vcenter information     

5. Click Add and this will be listed under Virtual accounts

6. Click Convered tab on the home page and vmware will be displayed under the default pod if you choose default pod , if other pod is selected then it will display on that pod.

7. double click on the pod , under virtual vmware will be listed

8. double click on the vmware under virtual

9.after a few minutes UCS director will pull all the information from vcenter and  displays that in dashboard

How to create a POD in UCS director

Steps to create the POD in UCS director before adding  vsphere or hyperv environment into the UCS director

1. Click on converged on the ucs director home page

2. Click Add

3. select type first before selecting all other option and fill the detail depend on the environment Add  and the pod will be displayed under the converged tab now. If you want this pod to be as a hidden on then check the box hide pod before clicking add

Monday, March 10, 2014

How to Install UCS director on Vsphere Environment

Here are the steps to import the UCS director to the Vsphere Environment :

1.Right click on the vcenter and click deploy ovf template .If you are using native vsphere client then click file deploy ovf template .

2. Browse to the OVF file location and click open  and click next
3. Accept the end user license agreement
4. select the host or cluster and click next
5. select the datastore and select the disk format as thick if it is production ,thin if it is for lab
6. choose the proper port group for the network
7. In the ip address box check dhcp if you are suing dhcp if not leave that unchecked.
8. click finish
9. Once the vm is imported , power on the vm.
10.During the appliance start , it will prompt you for the  configuration of dhcp ip or static ip  ,if you want to use dhcp then enter  no , if you want to use static ip enter yes
11.provide the ip address, gateway  and netmask
12. enter yes to continue
13.once the server is up , open the browser with the ip configured during the install.
14.default user name and password for the GUI is admin /admin
15.default user name and password for the CLI is shelladmin / changeme

How to Add license to the UCS director

Here is the steps to add the License to the UCS Director

1. Save the .lic file on the desktop
2. open the UCS director using any of the browsers
3. default user name for the ucs director admin and default password is admin for GUI access
4. Navigate to administrator ----> license

5. Click update license
6.browse to the .lic file and click upload

7. once it is uploaded, then click submit

Enabling CDP neighbour on nexsus 1000v

How to enable the CDP neighbor on Cisco Nexsus 1000v

1. Login into the primary nexsus 1000V VSM
2.Conf t
3.interface mgmt0 cdp enable
5.cdp enable cdp interface mgmt0
7.copy running-config startup-config

How to disable the CDP neighbor

1. Login into the primary nexsus 1000V VSM
2. Conf t
3. interface mgmt0
4. no cdp enable
5. sh cdp interface mgmt0
6. copy running-config startup-config

ESXI patch remediation fails with error " The Operation is not supported on the selected Inventory Objects"

Symptom :

Updating ESXI host ptach fails with the error
" The Operation is not supported on the selected inventory objects. Check the events for the objects selected for the operation."

Root cause: 
This error is due to the admission control policy restrictions set in the HA preventing the update manager from doing its job.

There are two options to resolve this issue

 Disable HA : (option 1)

1. Right click the ESXI cluster and click edit settings

2. Under cluster features , select Turn off Vmware HA

3. Click ok

 Disable Admission control : (option 2 )

1.Right Click the cluster and click edit settings

2. Under cluster features Click VMware HA

3.Under admission control, select “disable: power on vms that violate the availability constraints” and click ok

Note: Don’t forget to enable the options back once patching is completed.

SQL Server Installation Fails with the error access denied or access right issue


SQL 2012 or SQL 2008  installation failed with access denied or showing the error  "setup account privileges" failed

Root  cause :

the user account used for the sql installation is missing one of the below access

1. SeBackupPrivilege
2. SeDebugPrivilege
3. SeSecurityPrivilege

How to check if the user account have these access or not :

1. download accesschk.exe from
2. open the command prompt with elevated privilege
3. navigate to the accesschk.exe path in the command prompt
4. run the following command  accesschk.exe domain\username *
5. The output will show all the privilege the user have and see if the above three privilege are listed

How to fix the issue :

If any of the above privilege is missing then follow the below steps to add those.

1. click start --->Run ----> gpedit.msc
2. expand local security policy  ----> Local policies ----> User Rights Assignment 

Double click "Backup Files and Directories Properties" and add user or group if SeBackupPrivilege is missing

Double click "Debug Programs" and add user or group if SeDebugPrivilege is missing

Double click " Manage auditing and security log" and add user or group if SesecurityPrivilege is missing

Note: if  add user or group is grayed out then it  might be blocked by your group policy.